Friday, 20 January 2012

VERY brief plan for the Main Task

MAIN TASK                                              VERY BRIEF PLAN
In class we briefly looked at genres for our films as we decided that it is one of the main things we need to know at the start.  This is because specific genres requiredifferent approaches.
    In my group we discussed doing a comedy, or aspoof of a horror. We then realised that it would be too hard to film, we couldn’tguarantee it would be funny in the first two minutes and that the audiencewould notice the genre. So that was our first idea out of the window.
     We then thoughtabout doing a horror/thriller into but it seemed everyone had and was doing thesame thing. As the assessors are partly looking for creativity from our clipsthen we thought we’d do something different as it might shine through.
Our third option we discussed was for a crime/action film. It’snot set in stone (as are none of our ideas at the moment) but this is the genrethat we really liked. It could be done; we had locations and even a brief storyline.
It would be a robery in a womans house/flat carried out be three men. she would attack one in self decence and accidently kill one. the police would be there any minute. She tries to take them to court for breaking and entering but they want to get her sent down for manslaughter. She tries to clear her name throughout the rest of the film constantly pleading guilty. she goes on the run and diggs deaper into the case only to fine the robbers were in her house not to steal her possesions but to steal one specific item... a disk. We would end the clip on a shot of a courthouse from outside.

This was discussed as a group.

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