Our main recourse will be a location. We decided that my dads house would be best because we had permission to film there and it was a good, open location to film at. It has all the things we need like a drive, empty (ish) house and the location just seems perfect. The lighting was good because the street lamps outside were just outside and lit the street.
The burglars will need to be in black hooded clothes. The woman would be be in smart, work clothes.
- The CD (blank disk) will be needed.
- Also we will need fake blood.
- Weapon.
- Torches.
- Phone
- Keys
- Landrover (driven by Liams dad so it's lagal and safe, it's for the get-a-way scene)
- We will need a camera and we will all be acting. Taking turns between filming and acting.
The woman's clothes have changed to 'gym wear' because the work clothes were not available at the time we were filming. It also turned out to be a much better idea because it emphasized the woman's character as being tough. Also there was a gym right around the corner from the location, so that was handy.
This was discussed as a group.
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