Wednesday, 7 November 2012

EVALUATION: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

We attracted the audience in by having some main concepts in our film. What i mean by this is we tried to put things into out film that we have seen in other films of the same genre. We did this so that the audience would recognize these things and it would hopefully make them want to watch the film.
We included concepts such as a fight scene and a fast paced car get-a-way scene. Also having a woman as a main character may attract a certain audience. Typically, the male percentage of our audience would want to see films with lots of action in it to keep them entertained. They would also like to see fight scenes for the same reason.
We also used a questionnaire so that we can get peoples opinions on what our film should be like. Although it only got to 11 people we still got decent responses from a range of different people. These answers helped us decide part of out film, the title, for example.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

GameFace Productions Presents - Subject; Monroe

EVALUATION: Who would be the audience for your media product?

The answer to this question is put in throughout this blog as part of a various different posts about the audience we were tyring to attract/address.

Here are some links:

EVALUATION: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From making our product I have realised that the quality of the camera ended up being a big issue when filming. So was the lighting.
Because we were filming outside at night we weren’t able to get the best quality of picture. It became pixelated and blurry, and it wasn’t very clear. Having a more professional camera instead of a hand-held one would prove to be a better method of filming but seeing as we didn’t have on we worked with what we had. Hopefully when it is rendered it will look best at its highest quality.
  The other problem we encountered with the filming was the lighting. As we couldn’t afford or place spotlights to light up the streets a bit more then we couldn’t brighten the scene. This made the shot even darker and even harder to see.
           Another problem we had with the camera was a loss of footage when trying to upload it. We managed to get the recorded clips onto the computer but they became distorted and unusable.
On the plus side, one of our group members had his own editing software on his laptop. Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 is what we used to edit our film rather than the software provided because it meant we could do more with it and we already knew how to use it. We learnt about all the different affects you can put on a clip to make it look more professional and run more smoothly. Thanks to this software and the editing skills of Liam, we were able to add some really good affects to out film like; the opening titles and the opening credits. Also, the fades between some shots were executed really well and worked well when trying to add tension during the clip.
    From this we have learnt to prepare a bit more beforehand and really think about what we might need to make a good scene. If we can, try to get our hands on a better camera/equipment and try not to film in the dark unless we do. I’ve also learnt a bit more about using Sony Vegas Pro. Before I didn’t really know what to do but now I’ve learnt how to put effects into a video and how to create affects that make any video look more professional.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

    There are many things we have taken from our preliminary and taken into consideration when filming our main task. The camera shots for example. Some of the shots we used in are preliminary were perfect for our film because they created the right affect and worked well in the film.
    Another thing we learnt from doing out preliminary was how important a script and a story board is. Because we didn’t have time to really plan our preliminary we didn’t have time to create a script or a story board. This would have made a huge improvement to the way our preliminary task looked because we didn’t really know what we were doing and had to take quite a few takes. Most of the dialogue was improvisation and it was hard not to laugh because we weren’t expecting what was being said. We learnt how effective a story board is from our preliminary because we didn’t have one then either. With a story board you know exactly what shot you are going to include and what and, also what is in the scene. This made our preliminary that little bit harder. We learnt from this though and made sure we had a good one for our main task so that we can look at it and use it so that we know exactly what we’re filming.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

First Screening | Evaluation

Audience Reactions

Our first screening of our film was shown to a class of media students who also had the same task. It was shown twice and they were asked to give feedback. That being the genre they thought it was, the name of the film, what went well and what can be improved.
Most if the audience managed to pick up the film name and the genre was also guessed pretty accurately. About eight out of twelve people could tell it was an action film. This was one of the good points we got from our review because it means we used some key conventions of a typical action film and it was clear to the audience what it was.
The audience over all said that the opening titles worked well but we need to change what they say because at the moment they say things like "directed by:" and "filmed by:". These need to be changed so that they just say our names. This was an area for improvement because it would make the start better.
Another thing that the audience said worked well was the music we added into our film. One review said that the music "worked well" and another said it was "appropriate".
The last thing that 'went well' was that a few of the reviews said that we challenged the conventions.
we're really glad that some of the audience picked up on this because it's exactly what we were trying to do. we think they understand this because it was the woman throwing the punches and not typically, the man.
    One of the main things that the reviews say we need to change was the filming of the punch and the other part of the fight scene where Monroe gets pushed. It needs to look more realistic. It looks a bit fake because it was about a foot away from his face. Also the push needs to be redone because it's too slow and doesn't look real either. it needs to be a lot more convincing.
     The other main problem in our film was the lighting. Because it was filmed at night it makes it difficult for the audience to see the surrounding and what is actually happening in the scene. Although we know that the scenes need to have more lighting it is hard to fix. We could film the shots again but the cars will not be in the same place and continuity would go out of the window. If we edited the clip on the computer to make it brighter then we would loose quality of the picture and probably make it worse.
            The final review was from our teacher (of Media) Miss Street. For our first screening she gave  our film introduction a mark of 48, but with the potential to get much higher. Some of the suggestions for improvements were to scrap the ending, add shots of the woman boxing and re-film the fight scene. Our introduction ends with Monroe's hand picking up a phone as it rings. It was suggested we cut this out completely because it does not really tell us much about the film and is not relevant or needed. We could cut a few seconds out of the length of our product and put an extra bit at the start.
       The bit we would add to the start would be quick shots of Janet Monroe boxing. This would give the audience a bit more information about Monroe's character and will help them understand why she is able to punch the robber later on in the production.
       "If Subject Monroe is Stella - audience need to know her better!"
          The reviews have really helped us because they show us what we have done well and what we can improve on. The improvement were what help us tweak our film so that we can make it the best we can make it to achieve a better level.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Researching Music

This is the website '' that we used to search for music. This particular picture is us researching different music that would fit the scene where Monroe is hitting some boxing pads. We are currently looking at various fast-paced music that we can add tou our film introduction.

By Thomas Allward

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Examples of Opening Titles - Men In Black 2











Men In Black 2 - Opening Titles.

The credits in this film start at the same time as the films.

Examples of Opening Credits; Spider-Man 2




These are screen shots of the opening titles from the film 'Spider-Man 2'.
This MARVEL film originated as a comic and was made into a film by 'Marvel Enterprises/Laura Ziskin'. Because it was originally a comic the people who designed it used this in the titles.
All the writing has a 'comic' theme and it looks ad though it's flicking through one. The images are from different scenes from the previous film. This reminds the audience of what happened last time just before they see the next one.
The colours are constant and it runs smoothly. I personally think these credits are really good because they're not just names on a screen; it gives you information as well. It's something to watch as well as read.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Why did we choose the characters we did?

Janet Monroe
We based this character on the women we’ve seen in the previous films that have been the protagonist. We liked the idea of it being a woman for a change. We also wanted there to be something different about our film, something that everyone else wasn’t already doing.

As we don’t see a lot of him at the beginning of our film it is not clear if he will be in anymore of it if it was to go into further production. The characteristics are not thought out as much. This particular character was chosen because out of the three robbers we needed a ‘leader’.

Phil and Gary
Phil and Gary are pretty similar characters and like Brian, are not as well thought out as much, for the same reason. We chose these characters so they can accompany Brian. The three are part of a bigger picture, that being part of a ‘gang/group’.

‘Get-A-Way Driver’ (Gavin)
Adding this extra character shows the audience that there is more to this film than just a robbery. It adds depth to the plot. Also, it makes it look more professional and not “done by kids”. It makes it look more technical, thought out and like a lot of effort has gone into it. (This bit being about the land rover and Gavin)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Our Questionnaire For The Target Audience

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
Thanks. :)

By Stella Perryman

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

What Someone From Our Target Audience Would Be Like.

EVALUATION: Challenging The Conventions

One way in which our group challenged the conventions was by making the main character, firstly a woman and secondly by the characteristics she has.
She's not your average, stereotypical woman. She's a specially trained agent that is no longer in the line of work. She lives on her own, works 9-5 and regularly goes to the gym to work out. This challenges the conventions because she is the opposite of a traditional woman. Her independence would come through ore if we produced a longer length film.
A traditional convention of an action films, that I've noticed from watching previous ones, is that the very first shot is normally an establishing shot where you can figure out the location and see the scene. It might introduce a few characters or sometimes none at all.In ours, however, we jump straight in to the action. This engages the audience automatically. They'd want to know what is happening and why. We did this because it makes a change to the traditional conventions. We wanted to do something different that the audience might not expect.

Shot List/Location Shoot

Monday, 5 March 2012

Character Profile: Janet Monroe


Name: Janet Monroe
Age: 28
Background information: Free-lance secret agent for the government. She is trained in mixed martial arts and is very intelligent. She’s independent, hardworking, and strong willed. If she sees that something bad is happening she will intervene. Monroe regularly goes to the gym to keeps fit. Her main job at the moment is to protect a certain item from a particular group of people so that they do not get their hands on it.  
Props: Phone and bag.
-          Walking out of a gym
-          Camera tracks her feet
-          Long shot as Monroe walks across the road.
-          Monroe walks into house.
-          Two shot of Monroe walking in on the robbers in the cupboard and she hits him.
-          She’s hit to the ground.
-          Her hand on the phone is the final shot of her.

Dialogue: N/A

Problems With The First Draft of Our Film?

When we got the footage back and on to the laptop we could see that the lighting could be a bit of an issue. Outside we only had the street lamps to light our shots and inside we only had a torch. It was nearenough pitch black. What er decided to do was have the actors switch on a lamp as they where 'burgling' the house. Also, a light was switched on as the key action scene was captured so that we could see the characters.
Because of these...

(To be completed)

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Actors and actresseses what would fit the role of out characters. (research into similar products)

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie would be a great actor to play Janet Monroe in out film because she is known as a woman who is able to do her own stunts and act tough. She would be perfect for our role. As she is also seen as attractive by the majority of men then that would make them want to see the film.

Noomi Rapace
Noomi Rapace is probaly better known for her role in the first adaptation of 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'. I thought she would be a good actor to play our agent simply for her role in this film. In the film she is able to beat up pretty much anyone and fears nothing. Also, in this film, she plays a hacker that's not really of the norm'. She doesnt do things conventially and does it her own way. i dont think she has a job either.

Actors and actresses that would fit the role of out characters. (research into similar products)

We think that Tom Hardy would be good in out film as one of the burglars.